Thursday, July 15, 2010

Can we get a WOOP WOOP?!

Scott and I are grateful to so many people for helping us to kick-start our dream.  I have always been aware that I am a *very* lucky person.  I tend to think that my life is proof positive that the "law of attraction" (the idea that your thoughts shape the world around you) - truly does work in this crazy world we live in.  I consider myself a very positive person (I don't burp rainbows or anything, but in general...) and I think that this has attracted positivity into my life.  Take our boat, for example.  We have a TON of work to do on it (just check the to-do page).  Scott and I are GOING to get it done, however, because a) we have no choice and b) we have somehow managed to surround ourselves with people who WANT to see us get it done and help us do so.  This sort of support does not just grow on trees people, it's the real deal.

So - with no further ado, there are some *key* folks we must thank for getting us thus far:

1)  My dad.  You've seen him throughout this blog.  He's been there working side by side with us since day one.  He is awesome.  What you may or may not know - is that it is also his dream to sail around the world (like father, like daughter I suppose).  He has his own custom built aluminum sailboat (a real beauty) that he plans to see the world on when he can "extricate" himself from his work.  The problem?  He loves his work.  He loves business.  He enjoys creating things and improving peoples lives with his company and the company's products.  So this "extrication" is easier said than done.  So he throws himself, his time, his expertise, his knowledge, his contacts and (yes) some of his money to help us realize our dream.  That or he reeeaally wants to get rid of me.  He is truly selfless and on top of that an amazing mentor, sailor, friend and father.  I want to thank him - officially, out here in the blogosphere because he is wonderful.  Thank you Dad, we would be lost without you.  I love you.

We share the same onion head!

2)  My uncles, Bill and Bob.  These are my dad's brothers - and are equally as awesome as he is.  They too are sailors with their own boats and I have very close relationships with both of them.  My uncle Bill is my Godfather and is also responsible for our new steering system.  It was an incredibly generous wedding/birthday/Christmas forever gift from him and we are so very grateful.  And Bob....never have you met a nicer man than uncle Bob.  He is probably the kindest soul I have ever known.  He has also been with us since day one - and it is his R&D department that is responsible for all of our custom gadgets (like the handrails, the fuel tank cover...etc).  He has been pulling for us from behind the scenes since the get-go and, again, we are so thankful.  We love you guys!

and last but certainly not least...

3) Rentner Marine and the entire team over there.  We stumbled across them by sheer luck (or was it fate?) and I honestly do not know where we would be now without them.  The marina is run by brothers Eric and Russel Rentner and, let me tell you, you cannot find more stand up guys (at least that far south!).  The work these men have done on our boat is nothing short of exemplary.  They are there 7 days a week, 12 hours a day and (almost) always have smiles on their faces (or at the very least, a wisecrack to share).  They installed our new engine as well as our chain and cable steering system.  Both of these tasks were no small feat.  In fact, there were two HUGE feats.  Other people we spoke to shook their heads and said it couldn't be done, whereas Eric and Russ would scratch their heads, let out sighs...and get to work.  We honestly cannot thank them enough.  They are incredibly meticulous with their work (even down to their work areas) and if you are looking for a proper boat yard that will do PROFESSIONAL work (and let you work on your boat as well - DIY'ers are welcome here!) call these guys.  They look tough, but trust me - these guys are a couple of softies.  When we left the yard last weekend they gave us a spare engine parts kit as a wedding present (and Eric, was that a tear I saw in your eye!?)!! Also - Russel REALLY loves to have his picture taken - so make sure you get a snap shot with him!  Anyway - joking aside, we love these guys - and if we ever need any work done in the future, we'll be going there.  They are *the* place to go in Chicagoland.  Hands down.  Thanks guys.  We will be sending you postcards from the, water!

If you want work done on your boat - don't let their mugs fool you- you want these guys to do it!

There are MANY others to thank as well - but since we have made it past ONE major milestone, I felt it important to thank these key players.

So to all of you THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU....we would NOT be where we are now without you.

Lots of love,
Brittany & Scott


Anonymous said...

You're lucky to have such a strong support base! I found this site, thought I'd pass it along- I'm sure that you have seen it already, but on the off chance that you haven't...
It's another HR 35 rebuild, he does good work!

Windtraveler said...

Yes indeed! We communicate with Pat quite frequently in fact! He's fantastic and his boat is going to be AMAZING when he's finished!

Mid-Life Cruising! said...

Sounds like you truly have an awesome family, and a great support system. We're so excited for the both of you, as great things lie ahead.

TT said...

Hi there! Thanks for commenting on our blog. Hoping to be able to meet you guys somewhere around the world! Best regards, Alex & Taru

Donna said...

Electric bikes are revolutionizing the way we commute and explore. Can we get a WOOP WOOP for this game-changing innovation? These eco-friendly machines combine the simplicity of a bicycle with the power of a motor, making rides smoother and more enjoyable. Whether you're navigating city streets or tackling hilly terrain, an electric bike offers a perfect balance of convenience and exercise. They're a greener alternative to cars, reducing carbon footprints while saving time and money. With increasing popularity, electric bikes are reshaping transportation and encouraging healthier lifestyles. So, saddle up and experience the thrill of riding electric

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