Friday night: Scott takes me out for a nice romantic dinner al fresco. Early night.
Saturday 6am: Up and out to the boat, pit stop at the ‘Bucks.
Saturday 7am - 6pm: Boat work in OCD-like fashion.
Saturday 7:45pm: Dinner and epic evening sail with two friends. Phenomenal conditions. We are happy.
Sunday 3am: Come home from all the fun on boat. Drunk *might* be an understatement.
Sunday 8am: Wake up. Pop some Excedrin. Lay down again, wonder why we do this to ourselves.
Sunday 10am: Head to the grocery store to buy beer and food for boat. Discover you cannot buy liquor on Sundays before 11. This angers me. Since when are grocery stores righteous? Gimme a break.
Sunday 11am: Arrive at boat with Dad and friends. Jump in water to relieve hangovers. Works like a charm.
Sunday 12pm - 5pm: Sail, Sail, Sail - again, epic conditions. I get an awesome tan line that I will, no doubt, be sporting at our wedding. Suuuuper.
Sunday 6pm-7pm: Pass out on couches at home. Power nap of the open-mouthed-tiny snore-trickle of drool variety.
Sunday 7:30pm: Showered, shaven and with Red Bull in hand - we head to our friends 4th of July Party.
Monday 4am: We head home from said party. I pass out cold in cab. Scott has to carry me inside.
Monday 11am: Wake up. Decide we need food NOW. We eat some chips and salsa but it is just not cutting it.

Monday 1:30pm: We head to my best friends place for a barbecue (yes, we ate RIGHT BEFORE we went to a barbecue) where I proceed to hog her adorable 2 year old child and try to make him hug and cuddle with me. I am only mildly successful. We eat. Again.
Monday at 6pm: Leave barbecue to head to the boat where we meet two other friends for take-out food on the boat (yes, ANOTHER meal - who's getting married in two weeks? Psh) and a sail. Again, sailing conditions are awesome which makes three (count that - THREE) days of perfect sailing in Chicago. This is, in a word, RARE. I am so exhausted that I hallucinate the Titanic ghosting along the horizon. Just kidding.
Monday 10:30pm: Head home. Start load 1 of 2 loads of laundry. Pretty sure I know what the people from "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" felt right before they were, well, invaded by the body snatchers. I have an eye twitch.
Monday midnight: PASS. OUT. COLD
Sigh. So the lesson here is, friends, when one door closes, another 50 open.
Lots of love!
Brittany & Scott
Wow! I don't think you could have fit one more thing in! Sounds like an awesome weekend that you both deserved!
I think you made up for cuddling time with the little guy on Saturday night, no?
"We sit next to Bob Ross reincarnated. Except he wasn't smiling. Or painting." it right away but appreciated the photo! love ya.
"We sit next to Bob Ross reincarnated. Except he wasn't smiling. Or painting." it right away but appreciated the photo. xo much love
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