Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Today's Highlight? Dolphins!

Scott was the first to spot them...and where there is one, there are many.

They say dolphins playing in your wake on your way out to sea is good luck.  Granted, we weren't "on our way out to sea" so to speak, and they weren't exactly "playing in our wake"...but they definitely came by to check out our boat.

There were probably about 8 of them total.  Just gorgeous.

I don't think there is another creature in the world that evokes the same wonderment and child-like excitement like a dolphin.  They are just so beautiful and so...playful.  I will never ever be sick of seeing these beauties.  They will always make me jump up, giddy with excitement, and run to the bow.  

These guys swam around together and moved like a single unit, flowing as effortlessly as water as they weaved in and out of each other - almost like a ball rolling in the Ocean.  They were concentrating on something...whether they were schooling fish together for dinner or just playing a game, we glided past them and left them in our wake.

This was the vibe of the Ocean today.
Yeah.  We could really get used to this.


Brittany (& Scott)


Kavita said...

Your day by day description is simply awesome. I could relive every moment of the excitement you describe when you saw the dolphins!

Mid-Life Cruising! said...

That last picture is really cool! I've grown up spending summers in Florida and still get excited whenever I saw dolphin.

Anonymous said...

We are so jealous! Hanging out with you guys the other night really got us itchy to get things moving! Thanks for sharing all the great pics - amazing!

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