Perhaps our whale was after what all these gulls were after? |
If I had a dime for every time we said, "I
t doesn't get any better than this" today...well, we'd be
at least $100 bucks richer.
Beautiful. |
The wind was blowing 15-20 knots out of the North, and our little boat just surfed along, averaging 6.5 knots the
entire day. We are falling in love with this boat all over again. She sails like a dream - so balanced, so steady...she continues to impress us with each passing day.
On a reach, before a following sea... |
At one point today as I was gazing out into the ocean I said, "
The only thing that would make this day *more* perfect would be to see a whale". And sure enough, as if I had willed it into life - I spotted it: the
distinct "poof" of a whale spout just on the horizon, about 300 feet from the boat. The powerful breath lingered there, in a perfect tear drop shape over the water for several seconds - as if time stood still.
Oh my gosh - a whale!" I gasped.
We saw it surface for air at least 3 more times before the magnificent creature submerged back into the deep.
So magical, so amazing. We were in awe.
Toto, we are not in Kansas anymore!
Brittany (& Scott)
Did you make it all the way to Atlantic City? That was our first night arrival on the way south.
Pictures or it didn't happen. ;)
Seriously.. that's AMAZING! I hope one day you can get some pics of a whale to share with your followers!
I know I've said this before but I totally admire what you're doing with your life.. makes me think I've made some wrong choices along the way and I've NEVER really thought that about my life, I just love that you are really living yours to the fullest!
How awesome! Isn't it cool when you think things can't get much better, and they do!
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