Saturday, November 19, 2011

Bye, Bye Brother Kevin!

Kevy, taking in the view on our sunset booze cruise to Gouyave.  LOVE HIM!
Today my brother is leaving Grenada.  This makes me sad.

We have had SO MUCH fun during his visit and I think we gave him an excellent taste of Grenada.  I get sad when our visitors leave - it has been so nice having guests.  Not only does it force us to get out and enjoy a few of the things we haven't taken advantage of because we "live" here and have "all the time in the world", it's so wonderful to see our life through their eyes.  We have grown so accustomed to living on a boat that we tend to overlook some of the tiny things that make it so special and neat.  Waking up with the sun on your face, the intricacies of cooking, the extra effort it takes to do the most mundane of tasks, and of course - the sheer uniqueness of life in the Caribbean; the people, the music, the culture.  My brother (like my mom and mother-in-law before him) really, really loved it here.  Every visit was unique, each time we did something a little different, saw something new.  It's funny how, despite being on a small boat, you develop a little routine, a little groove that becomes so natural no matter if you've lived aboard for a week or a year.  Last night before my brother went to bed, he told us his little back cabin actually feels like "home" and how much he would miss it.  That warmed my heart.

I am going to miss him so much (he is the best), but I am so glad that a) he got to experience a taste of our life down here (and loved it!) and b) I get to see him (and the rest of my family!!) at Christmas when I go home for the holidays.  I will be counting down the days!

For now, we'll prep the boat for our next visitors who arrive in T minus four days!

Brittany & Scott

PS.  To see the fantastic array of photos of Kevy's visit, be sure to stop by our Facebook Page.  That is where I upload the majority of our pictures!

1 comment:

  1. Having been in the aft cabin for a few days hearing the ripples of the water and boat sounds, it does begin to feel like home. Glad you had a great time with Kevin.....Al


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