Thursday, November 24, 2011


Happy and healthy, does it get any better than that?
Today I am thankful for a million things...
I'm thankful for my incredible family, who literally mean the world to me...I am thankful for my wonderful husband, who is the ultimate partner in life and love...I am thankful for my health, the health of my family and the health of this beautiful baby girl growing inside me...I am thankful for our fantastic boat, who has taken such good care of us during this voyage...I am thankful for my friends, all of whom contribute to my life and help make me a better person...I am thankful for all the blessings, lessons, gifts and trials that this journey has bestowed upon us...I am thankful I get to share our lives with all of you...I am thankful that, while this world can be a pretty ugly place, my world is beautiful...I am thankful that I have the means to live my dream, every. single. day.

I am just thankful.  For everything.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


  1. Wonderful thoughts - and we are thankful for you sharing the with us. Happy Thanksgiving.........Juan

  2. well said...have a great holiday season :)

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