Monday, March 05, 2012

A Big Bellied Woman...

"A ship under sail and a big bellied woman are the handsomest two things that can be seen common"
~ Ben Franklin ~

It is insane how excited we are to meet our little sailor-girl.  She should be making her entrance into this beautiful world any time this month...



Neophyte Cruiser said...

Benjamin Franklin was spot-on. There are many beautiful things in this world of ours, but not many come close to comparing to a well proportioned sailing yacht or a woman with exciting for you two (three)!

Cathy Trails said...

I agree that Ben Franklin was spot on. A beautiful and stunning picture indeed - when are you due? How exciting!

Cathy Trails

Windtraveler said...

Thank you both! Cathy, I am due in 2 weeks!

Behan said...

That is a *fabulous* quote! As a cruising mama of 3, I'm not sure how I missed it before... thanks for sharing! Hope you can revel in the last days of your beautiful as it is when they're on the outside, it's pretty special to be the literal vessel in charge of that life.

db said...

Great picutre. Best of luck to you both! It'll be a fun adventure. My little guy turns one on Easter...and I'm due again in August. It goes by very fast. Enjoy every moment!

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