Monday, August 20, 2012

Cruising Swag: A Giveaway!

When Scott and I raced in Chicago, it was always cool to race on a boat that provided their crew with gear.  You know - shirts, hats, jackets, shorts - all with the name of the boat embroidered on them.  Average run of the mill boats don't provide crews with this sort of thing because it can get expensive, but the one-design and often professionally raced boats do.  We liked to call this gear "swag" - the term that pirates used for their booty and plunder.  There are a lot of racing sailors out there who, I am convinced, race only to add swag to their collections.  This fancy gear is like wearable bragging rights.

But I digress...

One of our blog followers runs a great site called and wanted to know if, in return for sponsorship, we'd be interested in some clothing emblazoned with our new boat's name: Asante. Were we interested in SWAG?!?  Heck yeah we were!  His site has all sorts of cool stuff from my absolute FAVORITE type of visors (the kind with the velcro on the back, so much better than the rest in my opinion and hard to find!), to performance polos, from great sailing totes to baby onesies...there are towels, welcome mats, ships bells and lots more.

We opted for two visors, one polo and one romper for little Isla.  They arrived last week and they are great, high quality items that we will definitely use on the boat. The visors I knew I'd love (because I currently own one), and the onesie is great but the polo is fantastic.  It is moisture wicking, quick drying and made of bamboo so it's super soft and light.  It will be great for the nights aboard when we find we need to spruce up a little (those are rare, mind you, but they happen!).

If you have a boater friend, spouse or relative you might consider buying them something from, because lets face it - racer, cruiser or pirate - a sailor loves his swag!

And now, we get to give away some swag to one lucky follower!! Whether or not you have a boat, you can enter to win* any single personalized item from under $50 by doing the following:
  1. SHARE this post either on Facebook, Google+, on your own personal blog or via email (don't forget to copy and/or 'tag' us so we know you did it)
  2. Comment on this post with the following:
    1.  How you shared us,
    2.  The piece of "swag" you'd like to swagger and
    3.  Your email address (so we can contact you if you win!)
Once you do those two things, you will be entered to win!  It's that easy!  I will announce the winner on Friday morning! is also on Facebook.  Go on over and LIKE 'em!


  1. Shared the the contest on FB and tagged you in the post! Would love to win the medium sailcloth tote bag! Thanks for the cool contests!

    kimrain2225 (at)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Tweeted, Facebooked, & G+'d ...I'll take one of those killer sun visors if I win!

    PS- I completed the US Sail Bareboat certification yesterday...Slowly making my way toward the dream!

  4. Oops! Typo in the last one - We just posted it on our Facebook & tagged you. Since we just had our offer accepted on our first cruising boat (we're in the stressful period of P&S and the survey...!!!) we'd LOVE a performance polo or 2 to sport with (hopefully) our new beauty's name on it!

    Jill & Tim Farrell

  5. i shared on facebook. i'd like a floppy cap like Captain Scott.

  6. shared and LOVED the caps.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I've shared/tagged on FB - and need to head back to the website to decide between that snazzy light hat or a tote. Or maybe a polo... So many choices! Thanks for letting us play along. :)
    jennieprince at hot mail dot com

  9. Shared via FB :)

    Boat name hat or boat name hats bundle :)

    msiemi at yahoo dot com

  10. Shared on Facebook, but not sure how to "tag" you in it.
    would love to have a woman's boat name performance polo since I'm the owner and captain of a new boat (and also new to sailing)

    email is

  11. I re-tweeted(@tjsinva) your tweet and then tweeted the msg to some kindred souls of the rum and travel persuasion and shared on FB in the hope of winning a Large Navy Blue Men's BoatNameGear Performance Polo. ;)

  12. Fogg's Boatworks8/20/12, 1:41 PM

    I RT on Twitter! & messaged some boater friends of ours! In hopes of winning...Medium sized navy blue...Fogg's a tshirt or polo :) thanks and keep up the good work!!!

  13. As always, love your creativity in promoting your site and will include your site on tomorrow's blog post -- -- now that I think about it, maybe you or your readers know where I can find boat shoe inserts/insoles?

    We haven't embroided any gear for our boat yet, but sure could use a replacement hat for my faded sweat stained "bald spot protector."

  14. Sally Chatterley8/20/12, 3:31 PM

    Shared on Facebook, but not sure how to tag you in it. Polo or visor I think...hmmm.

  15. you guys are pretty savvy, i am impressed - best of luck with the new boat

  16. Shared the the contest on FB
    I love the "Boat Name Fleece Vest "!!
    Eva Kasapi

  17. Shared, liked and pinned on pinterest. Oh and added to the Christmas list!

  18. Hi guys,

    Love the blog! We shared you on FB. We are similar to you except we worked a little longer before retiring and heading for the blue waters. Haven't looked back. Best of luck to you both and fair skies.

    PS. We are just getting ready to order a new entryway mat for our trawler.

  19. I LOVE the swag! Just shared Windtraveler on The Cruising Kitty's FB.

    I'm liking in particular the medium sailcloth tote bag that looks just about the right size for my First Mate, Can Opener, to transport me henceforth in comfort and style!

    Humbley yours,
    The Cruising Kitty

  20. Shared on fb and google+

    I'd love the windshirt


    Thanks, you guys rock!

  21. Looks like some great stuff! I will have to outfit my crew on our new boat this fall! I would love a couple velcro visors for the crew. Thanks again, and love the blog.

    prestonstobbe at gmail dot com

  22. Yay! Love this giveaway. Posted about it on our blog. We are in the midst of finishing up our survey and sea gods willing, she'll be ours before month end. And to celebrate, I'd love to get my hubby a perfomance polo (2xl, navy).

  23. Thanks everyone!! You are all entered to win - I will draw the name and let you know who wins TODAY :)

  24. Tronng văn phòng công ty với mỗi phòng ban đều có những chức năng công việc khác nhau cho nên việc lựa chọn mua bàn làm việc bằng gỗ cũng hòa toàn khác nhau tùy vào mục đích sử dụng của văn phòng. Cho nên việc lựa chọn mua sản phẩm nội thất văn phòng như bàn, ghế, tủ… đều phải có sự thống nhất và dựa vào không gian văn phòng làm việc mà lựa chọn được mẫu sản phẩm cho phù hợp nhất. Hiện nay trên thị trường nội thất có rất nhiều sản phẩm bàn văn phòng giá rẻ tphcm khác nhau nhiều giá, mẫu mã và chức năng.
    Bàn làm việc văn phòng cho nhân viên thì phụ thuộc vào diện tích khá nhiều. Những chiếc bàn làm việc đơn có hộc sẽ được sử dụng cho những căn phòng rộng để giúp mỗi người có một khoảng làm việc riêng và cũng để văn phòng không bị trống trải. Tuy nhiên, ở những thiết kế nội thất văn phòng hiện đại đề cao tính gắn kết nên lại chọn những kiểu bàn làm việc văn phòng giá rẻlớn dạng đôi để tập trung từng nhóm nhân viên lại với nhau. Vách ngăn vẫn sẽ giúp mỗi người có những khoảng không gian riêng cho mình. Cho nên để có một văn phòng đẹp hiện đại các nhà quản lý cần phải chọn mua được sản phẩm nội thất văn phòng làm việc sao cho hài hòa với văn phòng cũng như là không gian làm việc tốt nhất. Chính vì thế các nhà thầu thiết kế cũng nên cân nhắc về việc tư vấn cho khách hàng của mình chọn được mẫu sản phẩm nội thất sử dụng tốt nhất.


Have something to say? Feel free to comment! We love to hear from you! Unfortunately, slow internet combined with three little ones means I might not be able to comment back. But, either way, I love to hear from you all. Note: Negative comments with no purpose but to antagonize will be deleted with out a second thought.