Monday, September 24, 2012

Road Trippin'

The other day I found a Google Map Scott printed out of driving directions to Ft. Lauderdale, FL.  This struck me as hysterical.  "Take a right and drive 473 miles".  Most people use Google maps for directions to a friend's new house or to find their way in an unfamiliar city.  Not us, we're going to follow those directions 1,500 miles to Florida*.  Funny.

Some people might think we're insane taking our six month old baby girl on a 1,500 mile road trip and while I must admit I had some reservations at first, I'm now totally okay with it.  So what if our car is a '94 Ford Explorer on it's last legs?  I mean, we've got to get there one way or another, right?  Scott, ever the planner and expert navigator, has mapped out our trip to happen over the course of 4 or 5 days with driving times of no more than 6 hours per day and scenic stops throughout.  The big highlights are going to be driving through the Smoky Mountains and visiting "Uncle Al" and his lovely wife, Willa, in Hilton Head for a couple of days.  Fun stuff.

We're excited.  The fact of the matter is that even though we're not on our boat, we're about to embark on a little adventure.  We don't know exactly what lies ahead, we're not certain where we'll end up every night, and there are sure to be peaks and valleys along the way but we have returned to our roaming and roving lifestyle and that feels pretty good...butterflies in the tummy good.

Filling up the tank, cranking up the tunes, and hitting the open road on the hunt for adventure is a quintessentially American thing to do.  Few things elicit the freedom that the road trip evokes.  It is, in fact, a little like cruising.  After all, cruising sailboats are just glorified RV's right?

Yee haw! We hit the open road tomorrow morning!  If you want to keep up with all the action and see pictures and updates of our trip, stop by our Facebook Page where I will be posting daily!

Brittany, Scott and Isla

* Yes, we have "real" maps and an atlas as well.


  1. Cue the Willie Nelson: "On the road again...."

    Drive safely! (Can't help saying's been ingrained in my brain and borders on superstition)

  2. We used to make a trip from Minnesota to Texas at least twice a year before moving. Listening to books using was a life-saver.

  3. We moved to Italy when my son was 7 mos old. By the time he was 2 he had crossed the Atlantic 4 times (by air). Now he is 11 and fearless. He loves travel and can't wait to see more of the world with every adventure. You are giving baby Isla a head start to an amazing life.

  4. Hello, I have to say that i have really been enjoying reading your blog. I too have a web site called living aboard boats. i have been doing some ailor profiles on sites i like and i have added yours to the mix. You are truly an inspirtation to young families that want to make the ocean a big part of their lives. thanks again
    Captain Curt

  5. Safe travels! If you need a stopover, we're 100 mi east of Knoxville, off of I-26.


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