Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Saying Goodbye

I have never, ever been good at saying goodbye which is ironic because I have come and gone quite a bit in my life.  This time, however, it seems to be harder than the others. I can't put my finger on why, exactly, but my emotional and sentimental self has been kicked into overdrive.  It might be the simple fact that we have been here so long, or because I know how much our little girl enjoys being with her grandparents and (probably more likely) how much they enjoy her.  Maybe it's all the wonderful moments we got to spend with friends and family or maybe it's just jacked-up motherhood hormones?  Whatever it is - this goodbye is tough.  But let's face it, a thirty-three year old has no business being back in the nest.  We've got our own life to live and oceans to roam!

As surreal as it feels, we leave today bound for Florida.  We have a new boat waiting for us and big plans for her.  Thank you, mom and dad, for everything.  For the laughter, the support but most of all, thank you for making the first six months of our little Isla's life the best six months any little girl could ever ask for.  We will miss you!

Brittany, Scott & Isla


  1. That was so sweet :) "A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships were made for!" Godspeed!

  2. If you continue to make me tear up in the middle of the day, I am going to have to stop reading your blog!!! It's the very human side of your site that makes it so fun to read. Be thankful for all you have, each and every day. Take good care of one another and get your family on that BOAT!!!

    Paul & Terri

  3. Nice post ........I feel the love....go for it now you three!
    Fairwinds ~~~~~_/)~~~~~

  4. With kids everything changes, including the goodbyes...and especially with grandparents. Don't think so much of it as a good bye but more of a "see you later".

  5. I'm pretty sure it's criminal for a family to be so good looking! Little Isla is adorable, great pics!


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