Friday, October 12, 2012

Another Hallberg Rassy Rasmus For Sale

Image courtesy of Swedish Snowbird
If you were interested in our Rasmus, but 'missed the boat' so to speak...Fear not! There is another beautiful, well-maintained Hallberg Rassy Rasmus for sale!  Our friends, Johanna and Martin, have put their beautiful Swedish Snobird on the market in Grenada for about $52,000 USD ($350,000 Swedish Kroner).  She's ready for new adventures in the Caribbean and beyond!  I don't think you need to ask us how great we think these boats are...

Take a look at their site to learn more about this fantastic boat.  The page is in Swedish, but you can use the "translate" button at the top of the page and read it in any language you chose. Pass it along!

Fair winds Snobirds! We'll miss you on the water!


  1. This post of your reminds me of my father. He is a boat mechanic and he was able to build one on his own using the finest grady white parts.

  2. What I wanted to own in the future is a yacht. The design of that yacht will be unique and has my own taste of it.


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