Sunday, October 07, 2012

Boat Baby & New Digs

She hasn't been on the boat long, but the first thing she did when she got aboard Asante was grab the helm.   We think that's a pretty good sign.

In other news: yesterday, Scott and our new friend, Travis, brought Asante to her live-aboard slip while Travis's wife, Emily, and I moved a few things into our new (temporary) one bedroom apartment which is right in front of the new slip.  It is absolutely adorable and in a great part of town, off Las Olas Boulevard where there are lots of great little shops and restaurants.  I'll show you pics of our new digs soon, but first - we need to go grocery shopping!  We're looking very forward to having a kitchen and not eating take-out every night!  We'll be living ashore here for at least three weeks while we make Asante more comfortable and baby-safe.

Happy Sunday,
Brittany, Scott & Isla

1 comment:

  1. Will reach Ft Laud. in a week or so. Hope to see you folks before heading to V.I. to pick up my New to Me sailboat.
    I am curious.......about a school in Florida ....or...Texas......To get a Sea Captain's License.
    Which school did you folks use and would Scott still recommend it?
    Thanks so much for any information!
    Really do enjoy following your Blog.


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