Thursday, October 11, 2012

Car Trouble and Boat Work

The other day I took the car out for the first time since we've been here.  I ran to Target, got a few things and returned so that Scott could pick up Walt from the airport.  Fifteen minutes after we changed hands on the wheel, I got a phone call from a frustrated Scott, "Was the car acting funny for you in any way?" he asked.  I replied that, no, it had not been acting funny.  "Did anything happen Brittany?" he urged accusingly, "Did you hit a curb?  Slam on the breaks? Anything?"  I pleaded my innocence and asked him what was happening.  It seemed the car was smoking profusely (among other things), and needed to go to the shop, stat.  Innocent or not, this scenario did not bode well for me considering my driving history is bad at best; my vehicular "rock bottom" being pulled over for "driving with intent to kill" back in college (no, I was not in fact, "driving with intent to kill", but I was driving fast.  Very fast).  My record has gotten much better the last ten years (not a single ticket!), but I'm still what many would consider a "white knuckle" driver.  There was no way around it, this recent bout of car trouble was my fault.  I was in the dog house.  Lucky for me, Scott is easily appeased with food and the delicious sandwich I made him for lunch seemed to smooth things over.  Phew.  The car should be fixed some time this afternoon.

In the meantime, as evidenced in the photos above, Scott and Walt have been well underway pulling and running wires, doing prep-work for our new systems and making a general mess of the boat.  Isla and I, on the other hand, have been working on much more complex tasks like crawling.  Have you ever watched a child learn to crawl/walk/sit up..etc?  It is incredible to observe.  I cannot help but think that  if we retained a tenth the determination we had as babies, we'd all accomplish so much more.  Failure is just not an option for a baby.  No matter how many times they fall, bump their heads, or scream with frustration - they just keep going at it.  Pretty incredible and awesome if you ask me.

Brittany, Scott & Isla


  1. Isla is going to be up on her two feet before you know it, as you can see by her "4 prong" . . . 2 hands and 2 feet . . . photos . . . and, at not even 7 months old, that's amazing!!! In January she'll be ready to try her "sea-legs" . . . oh what fun you'll all have then!!! Beautiful child!! <3 Carol Florida U.S.A.

  2. I'm left to wonder - Just how FAST were you going in college???

  3. @Carol - yes, she will be walking soon for sure!! She's already trying to pull herself up to standing!!
    @Shannon- can't remember exactly, but it was over 100 mph, but it was an empty road with no traffic (not that it makes it okay). Got my license taken away for a year for it. No bueno. I drive better now though :)

  4. ...and I was NOT drunk driving, I feel I should specify that!

  5. After child number 3 we finally learned to discourage/delay crawling and walking. My oh my how complex and busy life becomes on two legs! Great pictures, btw.

  6. When they sign says "Speed Limit 65"...that's the UPPER limit. Just saying' ;)


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