Monday, October 08, 2012

Getting out of a Slump

"...and when you're in a slump, you're not in for much fun, un-slumping yourself is not easily done!"
Dr. Seuss Oh The Places You'll Go

You may or may not have picked up on it, but we had a tough introduction to Ft. Lauderdale.  Between the crazies, sleeping in a new place every other night, and the reality of project overload, morale was low for a day or two here in the Meyers camp.  It wasn't entirely obvious if you saw us on the street;  but both of us were in a bit of a slump.

As much as I respect the the Seuss-man, it turns out he was wrong about that last line.  For us, all it took to un-slump ourselves was to meet a couple of super awesome people and find a place to live for more than two days.  Now, we're pretty much burping rainbows and farting sunshine!

On Thursday night I got an email from a guy who had recently stumbled upon our blog.  He wrote that he  lived here in Lauderdale, was the skipper for a private mega-yacht, and might be able to help us source things for our boat. "If you guys are up for it, we could meet up" he wrote, "In any case I'd love to hear your plans to convince my wife & I that we should be doing the same thing you are."

And meet up we did!  Long story short, Travis and his wife Emily met us at the boat on Saturday to help us move Asante from the boat yard to the live-aboard slip Scott had sourced before we left.  There was an instant connection and an immediate familiarity.  From the minute Travis (who is Australian which means he is automatically cool) and his wife Emily (who is a fellow midwesterner which means she is nice by default) boarded Asante, I don't think the four of us stopped talking.  It was great and oh so refreshing.  Travis and Scott (both professional captains and fix-it enthusiasts) drove the boat from the yard to the slip, while Emily and I (both avid travelers and fans of sarcasm) drove our cars to the new apartment to put Isla down for a nap and wait for the boat to arrive.  In our respective twosomes, friendships were forged and it's entirely possible sparks flew.

Which brings me to our new place... We got a great deal on a three week rental of a super cute and cozy one bedroom apartment in the building that's renting us our slip.  This is fantastic for five big reasons:
  1. We can sleep in the same place for more than two days in a row. 
  2. Our boat is about 100 feet from where I type.  
  3. We have a kitchen and can stop eating cheap Mexican food and/or pizza every day.
  4. We don't need to live in a construction zone (aka the boat).
  5. We have a walk-in closet which doubles perfectly as Isla's private bedroom.
A few pics I snapped of the place.  Who wouldn't want to live here?!
The building is run by a very nice French Canadian couple,  has a pool in the courtyard surrounded by tropical foliage, a nice outdoor dining space with a communal grill, and a distinct "Melrose Place" feel.  We dig it.

So now - with new digs and new friends - we are officially un-slumped!  It's amazing how these two small changes have entirely refocused our perspective.  Until, that is, we find that next big problem on the boat we didn't foresee.

Brittany, Scott & Isla


  1. Just had a bit of a giggle to myself. I think you guys almost met our twins. We also follow your blog. I am Australian and have been travelling since around 19yr old. Met my husband when I was walking the docks in Ft. Lauderdale - dead broke. He was a captain on a mega yacht. Spent a while working as a stewardess and then we quite and moved to MS (don't ask why). So we are now playing no leaving, hopefully within a year with our 2 toddlers to start are tirp around the world. Ft. Lauderdale is full of drunks and crazies and is stupidly overpriced when it comes to marine anything. Enjoy your time there. The longer you spend there the easier it will be to leave :) Hopefully we'll see you guys on the ocean road somewhere and maybe your friends too!

  2. I hope you don't mind if I use your list of hardships to create a set of "First world problems" memes. I am especially fond of "Having to live in a construction zone because we are forced to live on the yacht we are remodeling.

  3. Hi Tim! Zing!! Nice one...oh, stopped by your are in fact quite snarky so you can edit #1 on your most recent post :)

  4. @Carly -Yep, you sound like dopplegangers of our new pals! Hope to meet you too! Keep us posted!

  5. "burping rainbows and farting sunshine"? Really? Consider it stolen. I will give you credit however! Thanks for the smile today.


Have something to say? Feel free to comment! We love to hear from you! Unfortunately, slow internet combined with three little ones means I might not be able to comment back. But, either way, I love to hear from you all. Note: Negative comments with no purpose but to antagonize will be deleted with out a second thought.