Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Kicking it up a Notch

Our pal Walt arrives today.  He'll be staying with us for ten days to help install our new instrument antenna pole and some new systems such as our new Rogue Wave wifi booster*, the AIS system and a few other things.  He will also work side by side with Scott to do a general clean up of our wiring and help us to determine things like what size our battery bank should be and how much solar power we should start off with.  We're super happy he's coming to help us because he is a genius when it comes to boat electronics and wiring (no, really, an actual genius - I'll bet he still has the wiring schematic of Rasmus memorized).  I know this is a family-friendly blog, so excuse me when I say:


In order to make the most of Walt's limited time, it's going to be a burnin' the midnight oil sort of week.  Well, for Scott and Walt anyway.  Isla and I will be fine-tuning our large motor skills and working on not wearing our food.  Something tells me the food will continue to be worn (we secretly like it that way!), but at least we'll have AIS in ten days!

Brittany, Scott & Isla

* A couple people asked us how we liked this system when I mentioned it in an earlier post.  We have no experience with it, as we have not installed it yet.

1 comment:

  1. I installed the Rogue Wave Pro on Serenity. Easy install. We love it, and it works well. It is more durable and waterproof than the Rogue Wave. We are currently in the Erie Canal, and your EC posts have been beneficial... thanks


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