Saturday, October 27, 2012

Moving onto a Boat

These two palettes contain pretty much all of Scott and my worldly possessions.  Exactly two months ago, Scott packed up all of our belongings from Rasmus and left them in the trust of a Trini shipping company.  It took a littler longer than anticipated (okay, it took a lot longer than anticipated) but they have arrived.  All thirty-four of them.  Sigh.  We've got our work cut out for us unpacking these beasts, that's for sure...

Moving into a house is one thing, but moving into a boat?  That's a whole new animal.  There are about a million different locations to tuck things away, and none are as straight-forward (or roomy) as a linen closet or a pantry.  There are storage spaces below floorboards, under seat cushions, behind seat cushions, and under mattresses.  Some spaces are logical, some are not.  Then there are the considerations one must make while unpacking: Will this item be something I need readily?  Can it be stowed more permanently?  Is it heat sensitive or will it need a cool place?  Will it break, rock or roll if we heel over?  Does this need to be in a place that is guaranteed to stay dry? Can it be stored near the instruments or must it be isolated?  Is it to heavy to stow high?  To fragile to stow low?  So many things to think about.  There is no rhyme or reason as to where you might find a little nook in which to stow something and very few cubbyholes are in a nice simple shape like say, a square.  Oh no!  They're full of slopes and bulwarks, pipes and hoses.  To further complicate the ordeal, every little triangle and misshapen void must be used to the utmost efficiency because on a boat, no matter the size, space is always at a premium.

Scott and I are pretty organized when it comes to stowing our boat.  We like everything to have a specific place so I made my first run to the Container Store yesterday.  Let me just say that I LOVE the Container Store.  If organization excites you as much as it does me, trust me when I tell you that you will breath a sigh of organized relief in this place.  The pretty boxes, perfectly appointed displays, towers of organizational goodness and super-handy impuse buys* placed just-so will make you believe that all is right in the world.  Until you get the bill, of course.  That stuff is not cheap.  Note I said I made my first run...this is a trial and error sort of deal.  Hold on to those receipts!

So yeah - we're going to be unpacking for a while, tucking things away like squirrels.  I just hope we remember where we put everything.  There is a LOT more storage on this boat and we never did end up finding that replacement mast head light that we bought for Rasmus back on the Erie Canal...hmmmm...

* Finally got that perfect e-reader light I have been looking for!


  1. I definitely feel your pain. We moved from a 37' boat to a 41' boat and we had them side by side in the marina. I thought it would be a piece of cake, smaller boat to bigger boat. Easy. Not so much. For all the reasons that you listed above. We have been on our 41 for about 3 years and I swear, I'm still reorganizing stuff.

    I love the Container Store. Wish I could find one down island.

    Best of luck!

    Deana Jones
    s/v Storyville

  2. We'd like to hear more about the perfect reading light you found. We're always looking for one!

  3. @Deana - I know!! It seems so simple but it is so NOT!
    @Neophyte - shoot! I threw out the box and it must be some sort of patent pending thing because there is no name on the light looks kinda like this one:,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&fp=80ef5323c76d6b79&bpcl=35466521&biw=1221&bih=610&tch=1&ech=1&psi=0R-NUMrgN-ma2gXrq4GgDA.1351426003045.3&sa=X&ei=1R-NUMrRH5T9qAHRwYDwAg&ved=0CJ0BEPMCMAY - haven't used it so can't say how great or not great it is yet.

  4. Holy amazes me what we can fit on boats. Good luck with all that unpacking. I don't envy you!

  5. Perhaps that is a pontoon sale? From the concealed figure, it is remarkably similar to the expected structure. Either ways, it will be for a fun adventure this summer.

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