Thursday, October 04, 2012

Work Hard, Play Hard

It's been a busy couple of days here as we scramble to get the boat ready to launch.  As much as it pains me, Scott is pretty much a one man team while I stay back with Isla to make sure she gets all the attention she needs.  When you only have 2-3 hours of "wake time" in between "nap times" - there's little room for any significant boat work.  We were prepared for this.  Scott gets up early and heads to the boat, while Isla and I work on crawling, sitting up and eating organic veggies between slumbers.  Then we take a walk to meet daddy at the boat.  Pretty interesting stuff.   No, really, it is.  I can't wait to tell her she started crawling on astro-turf like carpeting of the Bali Hai Motel.

Anyway, yesterday was a productive day:  we decided where our new watermaker is going to go,  made our first (but certainly not last!) trip to West Marine, organized a meeting with the company who will create the vinyl lettering for our boat's name, lined up a few more big projects and installations, and Isla ate pureed carrots for the first time.  All of these indicate forward motion and forward means we're moving in the right direction!

When 4pm rolled around we decided it was time to call it a day so we headed to the beach and found a nice little bar to enjoy a couple happy-hour Coronas al fresco.  Turns out, Isla likes happy hour just as much as Scott and I do.  What fun is all work and no play anyway?

Brittany, Scott & Isla


  1. It's exciting that you guys are so close.

    Nap-time and wake-time... hmm, are you guys doing Babywise with Isla?

  2. @Chatty - no, not babywise. I follow the "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child" formula. I love it. Isla is an excellent sleeper and napper (and happy baby) in large part because of it I think!
    @NatGeo- thanks :)

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