Monday, November 26, 2012

Final Push to the Finish

Having been a former distance runner, I know first hand that the final push to the finish can sometimes be the most difficult part of the race.  Scott has been working like a madman these past couple of days to make sure this boat is as ready as it can be before he leaves for Grenada.  Despite the fact that most of the projects are not what we would consider "major" the little minutia that always seems to pile up at the very end can get overwhelming at the zero hour.  Every tiny set back is magnified when you're up against the clock.  Luckily, the "final push project list" (as it has been named) is really not that big at all, and if we are to be honest, we're super lucky to be in this stage of the game as it is.

We have come SO far in the past eight weeks.  Scott, however, is thinking ahead and he doesn't want to return to a litany of projects in January - better to get as much done before so we can focus on things like provisioning, test-sailing and systems checking when he gets back.  But if there is anything we have learned these past few years it is that there is ALWAYS something on the to-do list and work is never "finished" on a boat.  It's all about prioritizing.  If it's "perfection" you want, you'll wait forever for it.  And that doesn't only apply to boating or cruising or refits, that's just life.  There ain't no such thing as 'perfect'...

My mom arrives tomorrow.  She's going to provide her awesome babysitting services tomorrow night so that Scott and I can go out for dinner as a couple for the first time in months.  I am looking forward to spending time with him and him alone before he heads back to the islands on Wednesday.  My mom will be staying with Isla and me for a couple weeks and I am so grateful for it.  No matter how many times I have to do it, I really, really hate saying goodbye to Scott when he leaves.  Having my mom here to help out with Isla will ease the blow.

I'll be posting a list of all we have accomplished these past two months in the coming days for those of you who are interested.  It's been quite the marathon thus far; requiring patience, stamina and a fair bit of training ... it has been punctuated by high highs and low lows, but - like a marathon - all there really is to do is put one foot in front of the other and keep moving forward.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Your boat baby is adorable!!


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