Sunday, November 11, 2012


I made placemats yesterday.  Backed with non-skid and complete with a Sunbrella trim, these are going to class up our table.  If you haven't noticed, I have two speeds:  full throttle and off.  I am currently full speed ahead with this sewing thing and there is no end in site.

I even have a super cute little helper which makes it even more fun.
In addition, Grandma Sue is in town which means Scott and I have a babysitter who is more than happy to spend time with little Isla while we go off and do adult go out to dinner. So last night with our good friends Travis and Emily we hit up the local Raw Bar and enjoyed a few too many adult beverages.  Interesting to note that I totally forgot about Saturday nights and how many people go out and enjoy them.  If you would have told 23 year old "party Brittany" that future Brittany would write that, well, I'd have thrown my martini in your face.  Furthermore, if you would have told me I was going to sew my very own placemats I probably would have laughed out loud in your face.  My how things change!


  1. your such a good mom…...

  2. What kind of dishes do you guys use on your boat Brittany? We are shopping for dishes and can't decide :)

  3. @Terry, thank you :) that is always wonderful to hear!
    @Drena - we just bought a new set of Galleyware dishes (with the non-skid) because they had a great sale at the Ft. Lauderdale boat show. On Rasmus we used plain old melamine dishes from target (which worked great) and I have heard that you can make them non skid by putting a bead of hot glue around them! Probably cheaper than the galleyware ones but just as effective :). But we are really happy with the non-skid Galleyware stuff we got.

  4. Oh - and the dishes pictured are not our boat dishes :), we have the navy blue set.

  5. Oh - and the dishes pictured are not our boat dishes :), we have the navy blue set.

  6. Those placemats are gorgeous! If that's what maturity brings, bring it on!

    Out of curiosity, are you bringing your sewing machine on board? I'm thinking that looks like a handy tool to have on board... hmmm, Xmas present list forming in my head.

  7. @Tasha - Yep. This machine is coming with us for sure!!! It has a place underneath our nav station. It's big and heavy, but so worth the ballast ;)

  8. I think most of us who have babies totally forgot about Friday or Saturday night with friends, welcome to parents life. Those placemat's are pretty, I love the simplicity of the design.


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