Every now and then I get this crazy surge of excitement about shoving off. It usually happens when I am editing photos, checking back on our blog or responding to an email from a wannabe/soon-to-be cruiser. The feeling bubbles up inside me and my body goes all haywire for a couple seconds as endorphins rush through my veins and images of what our life will soon be flash before me. I smile, I feel elated and I become positively giddy as my imagination runs wild. I'm guessing it's the same feeling drug addicts are constantly chasing, but lucky for me no illegal substances are needed for my high. So much cheaper...
Anyway, today's particular surge was due to an email I received from Walker Bay telling us our new dinghy will be arriving on the 7th. This is one of the last pieces needed to complete the "puzzle" of making our boat ready to cruise. I am so excited. They also threw in an inflatable stand up paddle board (SUP) which I am positively ecstatic to use. With our kayak, Scott's kite board and now this SUP, we will have no shortage of toys aboard Asante. This is a good thing because with a baby on the boat, we plan on cruising at a much slower pace by staying a bit longer in the places we visit.
If the stars align as they should, we'll be shoving off in about a month!
We're in the same boat (!) over here, although this is our first time casting off as liveaboards. We're leaving from Cape Canaveral area in about a month and I couldn't be more excited to start this new adventure. No baby yet, but we do have two pups to keep in interesting.