Monday, December 03, 2012

So. Very. Tired.

I am exhausted.  I have been going non-stop since Scott left.  While we have checked lots of our to-do list, Scott left me with quite a few loose ends to tie up and I've been tyin' up those loose ends like crazy.  Thank God my mom is here to watch Isla, because I wouldn't get one tenth of what I have been getting done if not for her babysitting.  "Free time" and "babies" just don't mix.

After dropping my dad off at the airport at this morning, I drove the well worn path of marine stores I frequent daily around Ft. Lauderdale. I swear I could drive from here to Marina Mile with my eyes closed.  I kept on having to explain to the clerks that Isla was with grandma because I am known around here as "the lady with the baby".  When I got back to the boat, I popped the last three LED bulbs into their new homes and got to work wiring and installing a light in the v-berth for Isla.  I stripped the wire, butt-connected it, crimped it and mounted it - the whole shebang.  Turns out I'm pretty handy when I don't have my arms full with Isla.  Scott and I were texting back and forth and he was like, "Oh man!  Where was this crazy worker person when I was there?" and I replied, "Caring for your baby".  Point for mama!

After I installed that light (which took a lot longer than I thought because it was in a tricky location and, well, projects on a boat always take longer), I installed a bunch of grommets in the cover I made for under the nav station with my fancy-schmancy press-n-snap tool.  And then, since I was in the sewing mood, I busted out my awesome sewing machine and made some jerry can covers.  I wish I could say they turned out fantastic and perfect but, alas, that is not the case.  I was rushed and decided to "wing" it and skip the whole "pattern" thing.  I thought to myself, "Oh heck! I got this!" Turns out, this sort of false confidence and lack of preparation doesn't bode well for both wedding speeches and beginner sewing.  Oh well.  They might not be the prettiest, but they'll do the job.  For now.
 As the sun was setting Isla was bathed and fed by grandma and then I read her a story and put her to bed.  My mom and I then ate a quick dinner of leftovers and proceeded to collapse, in unison, on our respective salon settees with heavy sighs.  We are both tired.  Me from my day of go, go, go, her from her day chasing around a baby while I went, went, went.

Speaking of baby, I'm going to sleep like one.  Or better yet, I am going to sleep like a really, really tired adult. Like, right now.  Goodnight!


  1. Your sewing looks great to me!! Keep it up!

  2. Nice work area you've got there.

  3. @Thanks Charlotte - the picture is the cover just pinned, but it looks very similar...they don't fit "perfect" and have a few bunches here and there...I now know how to make them better if I decided. But thanks again for the encouragement!! You are one of my sewing heros ;)
    @Tom - it is! This is the courtyard of our little complex. Very nice and more space to work and sit comfortably than the boat :)


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