Sunday, December 16, 2012

The Power of Positive People

This little person has effected my life in so many positive and profound ways!
We've all heard about the power of positive thinking:  the theory that your thoughts can shape your life, the idea that whatever the mind expects, it gets.  I subscribe wholly to this mindset and credit positive thinking and visualization for many of the successes in my life (along with hard work and dedication, of course). Also known as the law of attraction it's the belief that like attracts like, and by putting good energy out there into the world, more often than not, good energy will come back to you.  Sure it's a little new-agey and hippy-dippy, but what can I say?  It's worked for me.  But there is more... What about the power of the people around you?  Can they effect you?  Do they have the potential to influence your thoughts?  Steal your energy?  Zap your joy?  You betcha!

We hear from a lot of people who share our dream of cutting ties from a "normal" life and living on their own terms.  More often than not they mention how people in their lives don't support their dreams and aspirations.  I'm not suggesting cutting ties with well-meaning friends and family who simply don't understand your choices, but perhaps it's time to take stock of the people who surround you.  Are they positive people?  Happy?  Do they enjoy life? Are they fellow dreamers who do exciting things?  They say that married couples should spend time with other happily married couples.  That, somehow, spending time with people in healhty and successful marriages will effect your marriage in a positive way.  So it follows suit that if you are a dreamer, perhaps you should spend time with other people who dream?  Or better yet, other dreamers who do...

There are so many people in this world doing incredible things, large and small, and living their dreams in their own ways.  They need not have climbed mountains or circumnavigated the globe to be an inspiration; maybe they started their own small business, trekked the Inca trail, or transformed themselves from a couch potato into a marathon runner - in one way or another, no matter how big or small, these people took a risk and accomplished a goal.  These are the types of people who you want to spend time with - the kinds of people who believe that "where there is a will, there is a way".  There plenty of people in this world who have nothing but positive energy for those around them; they invigorate you, excite you...they inspire dreams and awaken possibilities within. These are the kinds of people who, when you tell them your dreams, they listen excitedly and nod YES.

Of course, you will inevitably meet people that will steal your joy and zap your energy.  They will try to make you insecure, make you doubt your plans and question your motivations.  Some are very obvious, while others are wolves in sheep's clothing.  Beware of these people.  They are fake, disingenuous, insincere and despite what they might think, they are pretty easy to spot.  When you spend time with these folks they don't lift your spirit, they make you feel badly about yourself and they leave you a little heavier than before.  They're passive aggressive and often manipulative.  They're usually some combination of bitter, jealous, angry and/or scared.  I have a few acquaintances of this sort in my life (we all do), and several more read this blog and some make nasty comments from time to time.  I limit the time and energy I spend on/with these folks.  I simply hit "delete" and move on.

There's this popular belief called the "Average of Five" which states that you are the average of your five closest friends.  It's an interesting concept that says the five people closest to you have a tremendous impact on you mentally, spiritually, physically and emotionally.  Of course it goes without saying that we all have our bad days.  No one is perfect and can burp sunshine and fart rainbows all the time, but I'm speaking generally here.... Who are your closest five? Are they making your life better or dragging you down? Are they positive Polly's or negative Nancy's?  An even better question is who are YOU?  Do you enrich the lives of others? Are your motivations positive?  Do you allow the people around you to dream?


  1. Awesome post Brrittany. So very true. One of the best yet (and there have been many great posts!)

  2. Great topic and great use of words! I have three very different children and I have to "motivate" each one differently. It took me a while to figure this out. It made me realize that what gets one person going, stops another in their tracks! Words have meaning and I am guilty of speaking before thinking how my words will affect others but I am working on it. Dreams can be fragile things. One must always consider the source when taking advice especially when your dream is outside the box. “It will never work” has been the inspiration of many great inventions. Follow your heart, follow your dreams and never ever look back!

  3. Carol Florida U.S.A.12/16/12, 12:01 PM

    Great reminder, Brittany!! No one could have said it any better!! And the picture of you and Isla is a perfect one to accompany this post! You're positive attitude has nurtured Isla's and then her infectious smile, and upbeat, happy, attitude is reflected right back to you!!! Speaking of dreams, and overcoming obstacles that might dash them, have you ever read "True Spirit" the book by (and about) Jessica Watson, the young Australian sailor, who, at 16 years old, successfully circumnavigated the globe in 210 days? She too has gone on to motivate others, and all the while she was on her round-the-world voyage, there were thousands of us who followed her, and prayed for he, as she went through a lot of dangerous situations!! She inspired so many of her fellow bloggers to follow their dreams, or to make goals and attain them!! She had a lot of people who were making it difficult for her to fulfill her dream, but she prevailed!! They are in the process of making a movie about it, to be out in 2013!! Carol Florida U.S.A.

  4. I don't know about you but I burb so much sunshine I tell people to wear shades around me! Ha! Sooo kidding, but seriously, though, look like Isla's got you wearing shades already, she pours out so much light! ha ha ha! xoxox Now, I gotta work on farting rainbows, baha ha haha ha!

  5. Magnificent! I agree with your point of view and I think we all can do wonders if we master the law of attraction. Now they offer best dissertation proofreading services to manage quality task easily. I am so happy to see that you have implemented it in your life so beautifully. I will share your post with my friend who is fignthing cancer.


Have something to say? Feel free to comment! We love to hear from you! Unfortunately, slow internet combined with three little ones means I might not be able to comment back. But, either way, I love to hear from you all. Note: Negative comments with no purpose but to antagonize will be deleted with out a second thought.