Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Finishing Touches

Scott comes back tomorrow.  Can you believe that?  Wow.  Six weeks have flown by and we cannot wait to have him back.  I show Isla pictures of her daddy every day and she just lights up like  a Christmas tree when she sees him, so it looks like Scott's worst fear of being forgotten is for naught.  The huge smile on her face and sparkle in her eyes says it all.  The past few days have had me really busy with minor projects; sending out emails chasing up this and that, placing orders for things online,  fixing a few things here and there, re-organizing, running errands and (mostly) mounting stuff.

Despite our love of industrial strength velcro, I busted out Scott's awesome pocket drill and started drilling holes in the boat.  The fans that we have come with sticky tape (as well as screws) and we originally mounted them with the tape, with the understanding that if we liked their placement after "living with it" for a little while, we'd permanently mount them.  So that's what I did.  I also mounted our emergency flashlights, varnished some spice racks and mounted them in our aft bathroom for a little extra counter space.  Living on a boat is so much nicer when it's comfortable and homey (and not "camping") so I sprang for some nice memory foam pillows, as well as a nice new bed spread and some outdoor pillows to brighten up the cockpit which has become my preferred reading nook.

In other news, our new dinghy and inflatable stand-up paddle board arrived yesterday.  Incredibly excited about these two things.  I will share pictures once we have them all set up on the boat, at the moment the dinghy is still in the box and I'll need Scott to help me get it onto the boat and our davits.  We're looking very forward to cruising the canals around here on these new toys before we put Florida in our rear view mirror.

My sister flies in today too.  Her boyfriend is a musician who is playing on some jam band cruise and she decided she needed a break from chilly Portland, OR to hang out with him down here when his ship comes in.  Of course it didn't hurt that we happen to be here too.

It's going to be an exciting and fun couple of days around here!


  1. Nice decor...definitely not "camping on a keel", as our powerboater friends quip to us when we shove off for an outing.

  2. I feel the same way in our RV - we even kept a few oil paintings to hang when we are stopped. I like it to feel like home as well. We are currently in Portland so tell your sister she left at an excellent time - chilly rain here!

  3. As a passenger on the S/V Diamant I thank you for sharing Capt. Scott with us. He did a wonderful job.

    We are so thankful that he made the command decision to turn around and head south in the worst weather in the Caribbean this winter. The passage was just too rough for a pleasure cruse.


Have something to say? Feel free to comment! We love to hear from you! Unfortunately, slow internet combined with three little ones means I might not be able to comment back. But, either way, I love to hear from you all. Note: Negative comments with no purpose but to antagonize will be deleted with out a second thought.