Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Happy New Year

My how things have changed.

Turns out, New Years Eve is pretty much a non-event when you have a baby under one year old and a husband who is away working.  In my wilder days I might have been up partying long past midnight, but last night?  Well... I was up at midnight,  but only to administer some baby tylenol to Isla who had a little fever (she's fine now, thanks).  When I heard her whimper I checked my watch (as I always do) and lo and behold, it was twelve o'clock on the dot!  "What are the chances?" I though to myself.  I picked her up, kissed her sweet little face and whispered "Happy New Year, baby".  No horns, no fireworks, no champagne.  Just a little kiss, 2.5 milligrams of Tylenol and back to bed we went.  Am I complaining?  Nope.  It was perfect.  And no colossal hangover today!  Point for child-rearing.

2012 was an incredible year for our family marked by some pretty life-changing events:  We sailed to Trinidad, had a baby, bought a new boat, sold our old boat and spent over two months prepping the new boat for extended cruising.  We are looking very forward to another year full of love, adventure and new horizons in 2013, and wish the same for you.  Ten days until Scott comes back and shortly after, we are Bahamas bound!  Hooray!
If there was one photo that captures the essence of our child, it is this one!
Approach the New Year with resolve to find the opportunities hidden in each new day. 
 ~Michael Josephson


  1. Love Your colours! Happy New Year to You All!

  2. Great photos it encapsulates the essence of the season - Happy New year and look forward to further adventures!

  3. Happy New Year! It looks like we won't be getting down to Fort Lauderdale before jumping across the Gulf Stream after all. We're stopping at Lake Worth and then I'm driving down to Miami for the Ragnar Relay Race (Miami to Key West) and heading back to the boat after the weekend to get ready to head out when the weather window appears!

    If I'm organized enough, and you're around, maybe I'll swing through Fort Lauderdale on my way back to see if you're still around and not busy!

    BTW, have you been able to check out the performance on your solar panels yet (feel free to email me directly if you don't want to post here)? I'm wondering if we've got something weird going on with our battery charger or something because we're getting nowhere near what eMarine said we should get...

    Working on a post on this, but am trying to work out the riddle still...

    Hope all is well with you and yours!

    Here's to an awesome 2013 ahead!




Have something to say? Feel free to comment! We love to hear from you! Unfortunately, slow internet combined with three little ones means I might not be able to comment back. But, either way, I love to hear from you all. Note: Negative comments with no purpose but to antagonize will be deleted with out a second thought.