Sunday, January 27, 2013

Nautical Flea Market

I'd always wondered what a flea market was all about, so when we got wind that there was one that was "nautical" themed this weekend, we figured it was worth a trip to check out.

Beacause our days are still full of boat work, we only caught the last hour of the Nautical Flea Market in Pompano Beach, but despite the time crunch, we managed to find a few treasures.  There are lots of good deals to be had and if you have the patience to hunt for them.  We walked away with a package of bungee chords for $4 (because you can never have too many bungee chords!), a new LED bulb for $18, a pair of sporty Sperry deck shoes for $30 and a bunch of other small fasteners and what not.  It was a fun little family outing.

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