Friday, January 11, 2013

Reunited and it Feels so Good!

This morning I woke up to squeals and giggles of delight from Isla as Scott read to her.  It was music to my ears.  After a six week rotation in the Grenadines as captain of the schooner Diamant, Scott is finally back!  We are so happy to have him home, and looking very forward to getting our own adventure underway.  We're hoping to be heading to the Bahamas in the next few weeks (fingers crossed), and after that we'll make our way back to the southern Caribbean.  We've got our work cut out for us between now and then, but we'll get it done.  In the meantime, enjoy this little photo montage of our reunion.  Big thanks to my sister, Chelsea, for being our personal paparazzo.


  1. You guys are the cutest family ever!

  2. Looks like she remembers him! I love how she reached out and touched Scott's face. Babies are smart. I knew she'd remember. :0)

    Kristi in LV

  3. Awww...these pics made me smile. It turns out your sister is as good a photographer as you are! Glad you're all back together...


  4. Wow! You guys are so cute, very happy that your are reunited. Have a safe trip. We will keep following your adventures:-)

  5. What a beautiful family! You guys are role models.


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