Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Bimini Bliss: Images

Where to next guys?
It's time to move on.  The strong winds have abated and it is time for us to bid adieu to this sweet island.  We are currently underway, heading southeast on our way to Chub Cay and will be anchoring out in the Bahamas banks tonight.  Be sure to check our progress here.  Contact will be minimal at best until we get to Nassau, which should be by Saturday, but when I can - I am posting short updates and snippets on our Facebook Page so be sure to check us out over there too.  In the meantime, enjoy a few photos of our time here.
This baby is the light of our lives!
The Western shore of the island
Off walkin'
One of two main roads here
The gorgeous beach
My gorgeous husband

Beach baby
Watching the waves crash to the shore

We love our walks

Meal times are messy, but on the bright side she is not a picky eater.  Here she is after she crushed an avocado.

The sea planes take off right beside us
Typical Bimini store front

A rather well stocked grocery store 

Homemade soursop ice cream from a local shop, yum!

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