Friday, February 15, 2013

Falling in Love with our Boat

After a couple days of slogging upwind in 20+ knots of breeze and bashing head first into some pretty heavy seas, we have arrived in Nassau.  If we've learned anything thus far, it's that we are really happy with the way we set up this boat.  The stays'l, the davits, the instrument pole...all the minor annoyances we had with our last boat have been remedied with this boat and the ease of sailing (with all lines leading to the cockpit), the windward performance (with our centerboard down) and steadiness at sea (with various sail/reefing options) are all proving to be tremendous assets.  We had hoped this would be the case, but until you start using a boat you never really know for sure how it will all pan out in practice.  It's official, we are falling in love with our boat.  There have been no shortage of excited high-fives going on since we left Ft. Lauderdale, so many so that Isla is now giving them every chance she can get.  She's happy with the boat too it seems, which is pretty much the coolest thing of all.

Our plan is to remain here in Nassau until Tuesday or so as we wait for this next weather front to blow through.  It's supposed to get pretty gnarly this weekend so we opted to stay at a marina for now.  The anchorages here are sketchy at best (remember this post from last time we were here?) and we actually have loads of errands to run so being shoreside will make it much easier.  Our plan is to head down the Exuma island chain over the next six weeks, making short island hops down to Georgetown from where Scott will head back to Grenada to work before we continue further south.  Our plans are loose after that (probably spending hurricane season in Grenada), but we know one thing for sure: we're going somewhere, this boat is too awesome not to!


  1. Pure awesomeness. So happy for you 3. -Robin and Lori, AKA HeartFire

  2. Awwww - you guys look so great and so happy. Miss you!

  3. what port did u check-in?

  4. Aaah… It’s a liberating feeling whenever I go sailing on my boat. That’s why I understand every single word you’ve said. ^_^ You know why I love it so much? Well, it gives me the quiet moments and pure beauty the sea and skies provide. I get to relax and recharge at the same time. And simply because, it’s life changing! =D

    Melanie Daryl

  5. "but we know one thing for sure: we're going somewhere, this boat is too awesome not to!"- Love that quote as it really shows what life on a sailboat is like.


  6. Glad you're enjoying the new boat so much. It must be great to be back on the water as a little family this time. Are you going to go further afield/around the world after hurricane season in Grenada?

  7. We live in a place wherein boating and fishing is indeed very famous bonding activities. I am jealous of you because you have your own boat. Haha! Well, my husband and I are planning to have one. We’re just analyzing our budget to make sure that we’ll get the right and best boat for us. I really hope that we can make a purchase this year! :))


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