Monday, February 04, 2013


The first wave of provisions...there were more to come!
That would be the word I'd use to describe the pace we've been at the past two days.  The bulk of yesterday was spent provisioning the boat and storing all the food away.  Man alive, storing three cart loads of goodies onto a sailboat is no easy feat.  Scott and I went into "teamwork" mode, though, and we got it done.

One thing I found helpful was the fact that I provisioned in shifts, meaning I made four or five trips to various stores to get what we needed.  It doesn't sound efficient, but it was less overwhelming for me and much easier for Scott to stow things away this way.  Our day went like this: I'd run out while Scott worked on the boat making space.  I'd return with all the groceries, shuttle them to the boat, give Isla some cuddles, put every item into a spreadsheet (I will share later) while Scott removed everything from it's cardboard packaging, re-stored it in a ziplock or snap tight container, and tucked it all away with the precision of a packaging engineer.  Then, I'd run out and do it all again.  This is how it went from 8am to 5pm yesterday and after a half a tank of gas, five runs, and probably six hours of straight-up organizing, we have a fairly well provisioned boat.  I say "fairly well" because only time will tell how I did and we all know how much I despise this task.

All in all, it was a very productive day and the boat is now 95% ready to go (famous last words, right?).  We still have a few small projects to complete today; oil changes, one or two more runs to purchase fresh food/beer/wine, topping off water...etc. but other than that, we feel dangerously close to the finish of one chapter, and the beginning of another.  It's pretty surreal.  We're still hoping to be able to leave mid-week, but we're watching weather closely and will keep you posted.  In the meantime, it's back to the store for me!


  1. Hey Tim here. No shake down cruise before you make the trip?

  2. Ideally, yes - we hope to leave for Miami tomorrow (test sail) and then sail to Bahamas on Wed/Thursday. But we will see. It all depends on how much we get done and how the weather looks.

  3. Way to go on the provisioning! You can do it! Good idea with staging it too!

  4. Provisioning sounds like so much fun, yet it isn't. Actually, it's overwhelming beyond belief and the last time I did it I had a pit bull on board, not a baby, which to me would have been über stressful! Remember this, water is water. Enjoy yourself no matter where you are.


Have something to say? Feel free to comment! We love to hear from you! Unfortunately, slow internet combined with three little ones means I might not be able to comment back. But, either way, I love to hear from you all. Note: Negative comments with no purpose but to antagonize will be deleted with out a second thought.