Saturday, February 23, 2013

Water Toys Make Cruising More Fun

The water of the Bahamas is unrivaled in it's beauty.  It's no wonder people who have sailed the world over continue to return.  Having nothing to compare it to in 2011 when we first passed through, we had no idea exactly how outstanding it was.  We simply assumed that all the water around all the islands in all the world was like this.  Not so.  Now that we've sailed a little further afoot and learned that not all island chains are created equal, we REALLY appreciate the Bahamas.  The people are more welcoming and friendly than almost any we've come across, sailing in the protected banks is fantastic, and there's probably an island for every day of the year.  Then, of course, there's the water. There is no place that we have been whose water even comes close to that of the Bahamas (with the exception of *maybe* the Tobago Cays in the Grenadines) and we are so happy to be back here.

What makes this water doubly better this time around (in addition to the aforementioned appreciation) is the fact that we have a pretty solid arsenal of water toys with which to enjoy this aquatic playground.  To us, it makes a difference.  A big difference.  We absolutely love our inflatable Sea Eagle kayak and our Airis inflatable stand-up paddle board (iSUP)*.  The kayak can be enjoyed alone or as a family (Isla loves it!), and the iSUP is perfect for one of us to hop on and paddle away for a little exercise and some alone time.   While the islands themselves are pretty, the Exumas are not known for their shore side attractions (most of these islands have almost no contour and are more or less uninhabited) so having as many ways as possible to enjoy the water really bumps up the fun factor.  These toys are both inflatable, which makes them easier to stow, and are simple to set up and deploy from the boat.  We have found, however, that in benign conditions we can tow the kayak, secure the dinghy to the davits and keep the paddle board on deck, which is nice so we don't have to inflate and deflate every time we use them.

We are LOVING having these toys, they are one of several things that are making our lives afloat that much more enjoyable this time around (stay tuned for a full list in the coming weeks)...And if you see us on the water come on by, we share!

Our fleet.  No, the color coordination was NOT intentional.
Exploring Norman's Cay 
A great, easy workout and fun way to get out and explore (since this photo, Scott's farmers tan has filled in nicely)
* We are sponsored by both Sea Eagle and Walker Bay (Airis) and were given generous discounts on both.


  1. My husband is Bahamian (but we are currently landlocked in the States) so he really appreciates your commentary on the beauty in the Bahamas. The Exumas are so breathtaking, and there is so much to explore. I think my favorite little spot is the long beach on the windward side of Compass Cay. My brother-in-law & sister-in-law live in Georgetown with their two preschool aged boys so if you get there and need any help finding baby provisions, or otherwise, they are super sweet and helpful. You could contact them (Dallas & Tamara) if needed at goexuma [at] outislandexplorers [dot] com

  2. Sooo happy for you guys, I saw that pic on FB and thought, Hell yea, THAT, is good fun!! xoxo

  3. Lovely pics. Glad to see you guys out there again.

  4. Great pictures. The water looks wonderful.

  5. Yes definitely water toys can make your trip more interesting. Travel through water makes your journey amazing and memorable.

  6. Living toys, through familiar experience, similar to family life, baby can concentrate on one activity, and develop independence, confidence, willpower and sense of order.


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