Friday, March 08, 2013

A Slice of Life in the Exumas

I think the image above encapsulates everything I love about cruising the Exumas.  Our very own private beach, playing in the incredible water, with our beautiful boat gently bobbing in the background.  The fact that moments like these are the norm is precisely why this island chain is so fantastic.  Uninhabited islands beckon exploration, pristine beaches are everywhere, and sometimes you can feel like you're the only boat in the whole wide world.  It's pretty magnificent and makes coming back to "civilization" (where you can dispose of trash, buy fresh produce, and meet other cruisers) all the more sweet. 

Speaking of "sweet", we will finally be able to wash our clothes for the first time in weeks.  We're heading to Black Point Settlement today which - in these parts - is synonymous with "laundry".  While we are sad to be leaving Staniel Cay, we're looking forward to clean clothes and towels.  It is incredible (and odd?) how happy the prospects of a good spin cycle and heated dryer make me these days.  

These photos were taken at Shroud Cay


  1. That looks sooooo good (from London, where it is raining)

  2. Caption for the photo with the crab:

    "You wanna' piece of me?"

  3. Great pictures! so pretty! :)

  4. I have really enjoyed your blog for about a year and as a father of two toddlers this is something that I have to ask you, how are you guys dealing with diapers?

  5. with that watermaker, laundry in a bucket is pretty easy and the lifelines make great places to dry. I am also interested in the diaper question, we have moved off our boat for a short while and even using cloth diapers about half time, I can not imagine keeping up with that chore on the boat.

  6. Pedro and Anonymous - we use disposable diapers. Cam *this* close to using cloth, then a sailing friend in Australia (who lives aboard with her baby) warned me against them...she said that, if she were to do it again, she'd use disposables. While I HATE the environmental factor, we consume less and create less waste in many other ways (i.e. don't drive cars, eat no red meat...etc) that we felt it was okay. We are in the Bahamas and the longest we have gone without being able to throw away trash is one week, so we've been okay in that regard.


Have something to say? Feel free to comment! We love to hear from you! Unfortunately, slow internet combined with three little ones means I might not be able to comment back. But, either way, I love to hear from you all. Note: Negative comments with no purpose but to antagonize will be deleted with out a second thought.