Thursday, April 25, 2013

Bahamian Sloop Sailing

Got some action shots of the regatta yesterday.  I honestly don't think you could have ordered a more perfect day for sailing.  Steady breeze, flat seas, blue skies, and an abundance of sunshine.  It was one of those days where I had to pinch myself more than usual - it was that beautiful.  I am so in love with the Bahamas; the water, the people...I honestly wonder if it gets much better than this?  It's like life in technicolor down here.

Getting these great pictures, however, nearly came at a price.  As I was snapping away with our dinghy bobbing at idle, we were nearly run down by a chase boat.  There have been lots of warnings for cruisers to be extra vigilant when in our dinghies or swimming this week because the Bahamian chase boats are not always looking where they are going (and are often under the influence) and it wasn't until I jumped up to a standing position and began frantically waving my hands over my head screaming "Hey!! Hey!! Look where you are going!!" that they finally saw us and veered off the collision course.  My adrenaline was pumping for a solid hour afterwards.  Pretty scary.

Anyway, everything worked out and we managed to get some halfway decent photos despite being in a dinghy bouncing up and down.  Can you say "sail area"?  How magnificent are these boats?  And the water?  I mean, come ON!


  1. Maybe an air horn can would be handy thing to have on such a day.

  2. Yeah, I don't think it gets much better than that. Beautiful photos! Can't wait until I am older and go cruising.

  3. I will be out there next weekend sat night so gonna miss the race. One of my buckets is to go sailing in one and possibly ship one to California. Did you see any way to rent abridge on one?

  4. Wind traveler has a blog about Bahamian sloop sailing with its perfect Steady breeze, flat seas, blue skies, and an abundance of sunshine. Now you can get write my essay to learn more new skill for college assignment. You can join their swimming this week because the Bahamian chase boats are not always looking where they are going. Join it.

  5. Hi Brittany! I am writing an article for Friends of Exuma non-profit about the Exuma Sailing Club (whom they sponsor). I was looking up info on Bahamian Sloops and look what popped up. Good SEO :) Hope all is well! Miss you friend.

  6. Bahamian sloop sailing is a cherished tradition in the Bahamas, showcasing the country's rich maritime heritage. These graceful, single-masted vessels are expertly crafted for racing and recreational sailing, drawing locals and tourists alike to witness their vibrant sails gliding across crystal-clear waters. The exhilarating experience of Bahamian sloop sailing offers a unique connection to the islands' culture and history. To explore more about related topics, visit


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