Friday, April 26, 2013

Happy (Early) Birthday Brittany!!!

Since I (Scott) will be “at sea” on Brittany’s actual Birthday (this Sat, the 27th), I thought I’d go ahead and surprise her with an early Happy Birthday post today…

Sometimes people say, “It doesn’t get any better than this.” If you ever hear someone say that, keep that person close because they have the special ability to truly understand the power of living in each and every moment. My wife Brittany is exactly that person... which is precisely why I chose to spend the rest of my life with her. Well, tomorrow is her birthday and since we can’t be together, I put together a little compilation for her highlighting some of the many special moments we’ve had over the past year… many at which she spoke that exact phrase… “It doesn’t get any better than this!”

Happy Birthday Brittany!  I love you!!


  1. Happy Birthday from the crew on Annecam in the Med

  2. Happy birthday Brittany. I hope it is an very special day for you!!

  3. What a sweet and thoughtful gift from your hubby! I can see why you'd say it doesn't get any better .. great photos. Happy Birthday Brittany!

  4. This is really wonderful post that best gift for Brittany and his loved once shown his brithday on this blog post. Happy birthday Brittany! That's amazing part of life and users can get help with research paper to manage their tasks. Keep it up!


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