Friday, May 03, 2013

Beachy Baby

Isla and I took a long walk on the beach the other day.  We had it all to ourselves, there weren't even any other footprints in the sand.  If there is one thing to say about this child it is this:  she has energy to burn!  I don't know if it's all the jogging I did during pregnancy or what, but physically speaking, she is off the charts.  She is practically running at thirteen months and does not. stop. moving.  It's incredible and, yes, a little exhausting.  It's a nice luxury to be able to take her to a place like this beach where I can let her run free without worrying about her taking a serious tumble because - oh yeah - she loves to climb as well and is extremely good at it.  Companionway stairs, picnic benches, chairs...anything that is climb-able she summits, almost effortlessly.  This child is a bonafide monkey and happy social butterfly all wrapped up into an adorably squirmy little package.  I mean, look at that little body?  Does it get any cuter??

In other news, Scott comes back tonight!  I am so excited I can hardly stand it.  Not only can I not wait to see his handsome face, but I am really looking forward to not being a single mom for the next twelve weeks while he's off work.  Caring for a toddler who is always on the go is a lot of work - a total privilege and pleasure - but work none the less!


  1. me too...she looks like a native of the caribbean

  2. haha...the lighting in these photos make her look more tan than she is - but yes, she browns very easily like her mama and papa, despite being slathered in SPF 50 every.single. day twice a day!!

  3. Very nice photo of the papoose and squaw.

    The very essence of motherhood.


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