Saturday, December 24, 2016

Twas the Night Before Christmas: Nautical Style

It's Christmas Eve!! I have SO much to write about and SO much to share, but time has not those things will have to wait - suffice it to say that life has been insanely hectic (we have a new boat and moved aboard three days before Christmas!) and amazing (we have a new boat and it's Christmas!) I am prepping for a weekend of festivities so cannot give you all the details just yet but for now, we want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and share this oldie but goodie re-write of an old classic I wrote a few years back...

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the boat, 
not a creature was stirring, not even a roach.
The dry bags were hung on the davits with care, 
in hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there.

The children were nestled all snug in their berth, 
while visions of snorkeling filled them with mirth.
And mama in her ponytail and I in my headlamp, 
had just dropped the 'hook in a new harbor "camp".

When out on the deck there arose such a clatter, 
I sprang from the nav station to see what was the matter.
To the aft cabin I flew like a flash, 
grabbed my machete and opened the hatch.

The full moonlight sparkled and danced on the ocean, 
while our boat gently rocked with a side to side motion.
When what to my sun-tired eyes should appear, 
but a flying pirogue pulled by eight tiny deer.
With a laughing old helmsman singin' a Caribbean shtick, 
I knew in a moment it must be St. Nick.

More rapid than dolphins, his coursers they came, 
and he whistled and shouted and called them by name:
"Now Dasher! Now Dancer! 
Now Prancer! Now Vixen!
On Comet! On Cupid!
On Donner! On Blitzen!
From the top of the mast all the way to the clew!
Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away you!"

As sea birds before a wild hurricane fly, 
when met with an obstacle, take to the sky.
Over twinkling anchor lights 'round the harbor they flew
with a boat full of parts and St. Nicholas, too. 

When suddenly I heard on the cabin-top roof 
the prancing and pawing of each tiny hoof.
As I clicked off my headlamp and was turning around, 
down the companionway stairs came St. Nick with a bound!

Hawaiian shirt, bermuda shorts and waternut in hand,
his feet and his face were all covered in sand.
A sack full of provisions he had slung on his hub
and he looked like a man just returned from Sam's Club.

His eyes, how they sparkled!  His wrinkles, how cheery!
His cheeks were all sunburned, his nose was all peely!
His droll little mouth was drawn up like a sail, 
the ends of his beard housed a braid, like a tail.
The stump of his Cuban cast a faint yellow glow,
but the Old Salt, he knew better than to smoke down below.
His face was all weathered, and he had a big tum, 
from a lifetime of rays and plenty of fun. 

He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old Salt
and I knew right away this was not an assault.
A wink of his eye and a swig of his rum, 
soon gave me to know he was nothing but fun.

He spoke not a word, but got to work down below
And serviced our systems with the speed of a pro!
He cleaned up our terminals and replaced an old hose, 
After halving my "to-do" list, up the companionway he rose.

He jumped into his boat, to his team gave a whistle,
and away they all went like a nautical missile.
But I heard him exclaim as he sailed through the night
"Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!"

© original adaptation written by Brittany Meyers, property of


Michael Robertson said...

Love it Brittany! Nice job. We just had a family Christmas Eve read-aloud of your version. All the best, Michael

Gioia in Kinshasa said...

Dear Brittany, Scott and 3 wonderful jewels,
We have met one Easter Day, couple of years ago, it was Isla's birthday and we have joined the celebration At Stocking island, Exuma.
I have been thinking of you and now send you all my best thoughts for the coming new year! Happy to know you are well and still living your dream..which is actually your life! ❤
Gioia and family

best essay writing service said...

Love it Brittany! Great job
First of all, Thank you for the post.I am a bit late here.I recently found your website.Anyway it is fentastic to read.This X-mas was very worst for me.We can't make any plnas.Just cllebrtae home itself.New X-mas.

professional essay writers review said...

What a nice poem that you have shared. It seems like you truly had a nice Christmas. I envy you, I haven't been able to spend the rest of my holidays with the people I long to be with because I had so much work to do! I just couldn't relax knowing that I have so many stuff that I left behind at work. I hope that next Christmas I will be able to have as much fun as you did.

Anonymous said...

Twas the Night Before Christmas: Nautical Style" brings a unique twist to the classic holiday tale by setting the scene on a cozy ship, gently rocking in the harbor. As the salty sea breeze filled the air, sailors decorated their vessel with twinkling lights and seashell garlands. The sound of waves crashing against the hull added to the holiday magic. But as the night unfolded, a sudden storm approached, threatening the peaceful celebration. Fortunately, an emergency roofing company was quick to respond, securing the ship’s deck just in time to save Christmas on the high seas!

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